- "Non-Standard Errors" (Version 23-Nov-2021)
- Group project with 164 research teams
- In aggregate, the teams consisted of 343 authors from 34 countries
- List of authors and institutions for above manuscript
- The "ASU team" consisted of myself and Ariel Lohr (PhD student on the market)
- Paper is currently under review
- "Asset Price Dynamics with Limited Attention" (Version 08-Dec-2020 with T. Hendershott, A. Menkveld, and R. Praz).
- Accepted at Review of Financial Studies
- Associated "Internet Appendix" for above paper.
- "Common Factors, Information, and Holdings Dispersion" (with P. Fontaine and S. Jimenez-Garces) 2018, Review of Finance 22 (4), 1441-1467.
- “Liquidity Provision and Stock Return Predictability” (with T. Hendershott) 2014, Journal of Banking and Finance 14, 140-151.
- “Investing in What You Know: The Case of Individual Investors and Local Stocks” (with N. Zhu) 2013, Journal of Investment Management 11 (1), 20-30. Special Distinction Award, JOIM 2013.
- “Risk and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns” (with R. Burlacu, S. Jimenez-Garces, and P. Fontaine) 2012, Journal of Financial Economics 105, 511-522.
- “Trading Imbalances and the Law of One Price” (with C. Liu) 2011, Economics Letters 112, 132-134.
- “Individual Investors and Local Bias” (with N. Zhu) 2010, Journal of Finance, 65(5) October, 1987-2011.
- “Time-Variation in Liquidity: The Role of Market Maker Inventories and Revenues” (with C. Comerton-Forde, T. Hendershott, C. Jones, and P. Moulton) 2010, Journal of Finance, 65(1), 295-331. FMA Best Paper Award in Market Microstructure.
- “Trading Imbalances, Predictable Reversals, Cross-Stock Price Pressure” (with S. Andrade and C. Chang) 2008, Journal of Financial Economics, 88(2) May, 406-423.
- “Individual Investors and Gender Similarities in an Emerging Stock Market” (with L. Feng) 2008, Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 16 (1-2), 44-60.
- “Market Maker Inventories and Stock Prices” (with T. Hendershott) 2007, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 97 (2), May, 210-214.
- “Firm-Specific Attributes and the Cross-Section of Momentum” (with J. Sagi) 2007, Journal of Financial Economics, 84 (2) May, 389-434.
- “Predictable Behavior, Profits, and Attention” (with G. Wu) 2007, Journal of Empirical Finance, 14 (5), December, 590-610. Lead Article in Issue.
- “Do Investor Sophistication and Trading Experience Eliminate Behavioral Biases in Financial Markets?” (with L. Feng) 2005, Review of Finance, September, 1-47. Lead Article in Issue. Winner of 2006 GSAM Quant Best Paper Prize for best paper in the Review of Finance.
- "Correlated Trading and Location” (with L. Feng) 2004, Journal of Finance, LIX, 5, Oct., 2117-2144. Nominated for Smith-Breeden Prize.
- “Bailing-In” (with M. McBrady) 2004, Journal of Restructuring Finance, 1, 1, 49-78. Inaugural Issue of Journal. Global Finance Conference Best Paper Prize April 2001.
- “The Portfolio Flows of International Investors”(with K. Froot and P. O'Connell) 2001, Journal of Financial Economics, 59, 151-193. Lead Article in Issue.